
Initial Goal: Got picam taking 2 pictures form the python script.

Realized Outcome : yes

Steps to achive it

  1. Run the Picam + motor code

    This is a code that runs on Rasp pi.
    What it does: Allowing the user to input keyboard commands and communicate
    them (say number 1 or 0) over I2C.
    Rasp Pi controls the Arduino
    from picamera import PiCamera
    from time import sleep
    import sys
    from smbus2 import SMBus
    addr = 0x8 # bus address
    bus = SMBus(1) # indicates /dev/ic2-1
    numb = 1
    camera = PiCamera()
    print ("Enter 1 for ON or 0 for OFF")
    while numb == 1:
            ledstate = input(">>>>   ")
            if ledstate == "1":
                    camera.start_preview(alpha=200) # Add alpha parameter to make it slightly see through in ops - adjust to different resolution
                    sleep(5) # at least 2 seconds so that camera can sense lighting conditions
                    camera.capture('testimage_loop1.jpg') # change location and file name, if needed
                    bus.write_byte(addr, 0x1) # switch it on
            elif ledstate == "0":
                    bus.write_byte(addr, 0x0) # switch it on
                    camera.start_preview(alpha=200) # Add alpha parameter to make it slightly see through in ops - adjust to different resolution
                    sleep(5) # at least 2 seconds so that camera can sense lighting conditions
                    camera.capture('testimage_loop2.jpg') # change location and file name, if needed
                    numb = 0
    sys.exit() # esc in case of issues, added to make sure no system hang
  2. provide input (1 or 0)

  3. images would be saved in the current directory

Issues got stuck at

Communication between team like what part is done and what's to do.


learnt about using I2C, how to implement on RPi and Arduino
