1. Run test code for either webcam or raspicam

  2. Run eSpeak Code in Python for Testing

    Reference for espeak package: Show and Tell Card — 11/13/2020, 'Hello World'


  3. Simple alert on bash script (make sure to save it as <.sh> extension)

    Executed on the rPi4 —

    a. bash script, trigger.sh

    echo "Alert."
    # execute this in another script
    #espeak "Hello Human"
    #python espeakScript.py
    #echo "Done"
    fswebcam -r 352x288 ~/.soundmeter/testimage920.jpg
    echo "USBCam Test Complete"
    wait 5
    #conflict or warnings on clash between picamera module and raspistill
    #raspistill -rot 90 -o ~/Downloads/rPiCam/testimage1.jpg
    #echo "PiCam Test Complete"
    #wait 5

    b. Code for espeakScript.py

    #import subprocess
    import os
    import random
    text = ['Hello World!', 'Welcome to Circuit Launch', 'Hello, Human!', 'Hi, nice to meet you']
    greetChoice = random.randint(0,3)
    mainGreet = text[greetChoice] 
    def greet():
        # otherParam = "espeak -ven+m3 -b2"
        nextParam = "espeak -ven+m3 -b2" + " '[" + mainGreet+ "]'"
    if __name__ == '__main__':