AUTHOR: Kevin Shin

Your show and tell can be about anything you accomplished other than research. This is about an action realized.

<aside> ❓ Tutorial: Clearly explain the necessary information and actions to arrive at an outcome



Initial Goal:

Realized Outcome:

Steps to achieve outcome


  1. Wire up a breadboard according to the wire diagram below. Pin assignment on the Arduino is important for the code to work properly. Test and connect DC power.

  2. Example Code - Spins motors both direction & variable speed

// Each motor requires power (VCC, GND) & 3 pins
// Motor A connections - Arduino Pin Assignment
int enA = 9;
int in1 = 8;
int in2 = 7;
// Motor B connections - Arduino Pin Assignment
int enB = 3;
int in3 = 5;
int in4 = 4;

void setup() {
	// Set all the motor control pins to outputs
	pinMode(enA, OUTPUT);  // Controls speed for motor A
	pinMode(in1, OUTPUT);  // Direction for motor A
	pinMode(in2, OUTPUT);  // Direction for motor A

  pinMode(enB, OUTPUT);  // Controls speed for motor B
	pinMode(in3, OUTPUT);  // Direction for motor B
	pinMode(in4, OUTPUT);  // Direction for motor B
	// Turn off motors - Initial state
	digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
	digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
	digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
	digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

void loop() {
	directionControl();  // the motor will alternate between Clockwise & CounterClockwise

// This function lets you control spinning direction of motors
void directionControl() {
	// Set motors to maximum speed
	// For PWM maximum possible values are 0 to 255
	analogWrite(enA, 255);
	analogWrite(enB, 255);

	// Turn on motor A & B
	digitalWrite(in1, HIGH);
	digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
	digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
	digitalWrite(in4, LOW);
	// Now change motor directions
	digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
	digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
	digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
	digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);
	// Turn off motors
	digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
	digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
	digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
	digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

// This function lets you control speed of the motors
void speedControl() {
	// Turn on motors
	digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
	digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
	digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
	digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);
	// Accelerate from zero to maximum speed
	for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
		analogWrite(enA, i);
		analogWrite(enB, i);
	// Decelerate from maximum speed to zero
	for (int i = 255; i >= 0; --i) {
		analogWrite(enA, i);
		analogWrite(enB, i);
	// Now turn off motors
	digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
	digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
	digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
	digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

To implement Arduino to listen on the I2C

  1. Connect both Arduino (slave) and RaspberryPi (master) on the same I2C bus