is the platform for our wiki. Below are some tips and things to keep in mind when using this platform:

🔏 Access Levels

Members are Admins

Guests are invited users

Shared Link Access

<aside> ⚠️ Privacy Warning: Anyone with guest access to a page you've accessed, can see your icon, name, and email. Be sure you are ok with all three of those things being semi-public.


For more privacy: Use a nickname or initials instead of your full name, use a distinctive icon but not your picture, and use a new email account that forwards all your mail and notifications to your personal email address.

💻 📱 There are Mac and Windows Apps for Notion, as well as Android and iOS apps

🎵 Notifications

You can control what you are notified of in a couple places.


Follow/Unfollow Pages:

Turn on notification for specific pages: Updates> Follow this page

🧭 Navigation & Content

The navigation tree on the left sidebar is a nested tree opening up if you click on the triangle. While you are able to re-organize it, that changes everyone's view so please suggest changes in the discussion section of a page and let one of the Admins do it.