- Click this arrow ← to see the full video for reference. If you would like to get checked out on this machine please watch the One Take 4 Safety video and quiz above or here. Please devote 1 hour of uninterrupted time to this safety checkout.
Any unused material must be brought down into the Lab downstairs:
You have sheets of extra material for a specific project. Please label clearly and place in the “Members” slot. (see below)
You have extra material that you are done with and would like to donate to the community. Please place behind the black wire rack of Free Use materials
You have extra scraps that are unusable. PLEASE DISPOSE OF THEM.
100 Watt 4’x3’ Laser
PLS 75Watt Universal Laser
Universal Laser tool use notes:
- The only recommended SETTINGS are:
Flow = ON {check mark}
Flow rate = 100% {slider}
- The laser is occasionally run with out any are flow { Flow = OFF; Air Flow Rate = 0% } this will cause cutting debris to clog the air nozzle located closest to the cut.
- If the laser is run with a low flow rate { Flow = air on ; Air Flow Rate < 50% } the machine will trigger a “ Air pressure too low “ Error. It seems the sensor in the head is unable to register the flow rate, likely due to the fish pump giving the machine ~7 psi and the machine needs 50 to run as intended.
- It is plausible that the fish pump puts some debris and oil into the air system and increases the chance of a clog in the lines before the cutter. An “ Air pressure too low “ Error has been seen before under presumably normal settings, and was fixed after disassembling the laser cutting head and associated air lines coming from the rear left.
Approved Materials:
- Currently only Acrylic, Paper/Cardstock, Cardboard, and Wood is approved without question.