AUTHOR: Kevin Shin
Initial Goal: Setup Reachy Raspberry Pi4 with the Offline Speech Recognition
Realized Outcome: All the application have been installed and tested (as much as I can remotely)
Next Step: Follow the instruction outlined below to test the speech recognition real-time using a speaker
Referenced the tutorial Dan recommended (pictures and the commands are relevant to our Reachy Raspberry Pi4 image) -
Install DeepSpeech package on RPi4 (reference the command & screenshot below) *Note the installation steps have been done & On-site team can jump straight to the Testing portion.
Download the speech recognition models, language models (there are 3 models that needs to be downloaded - ref screenshot)
Download & uncompress the example audio files for testing
curl -LO
tar xvf audio-0.7.1.tar.gz
Play the audio file & test the recognition
deepspeech --model deepspeech-0.7.*models.tflite --scorer deepspeech-0.7.*models.scorer --audio audio/2830-3980-0043.wav
It worked!! It took 1.523 second for processing audio file that is 1.975 seconds long -
Note: the speech recognition listens for the entire sentences and processes afterword. This means, we will need to have a "Human Interaction" strategy to make sure the user pauses at the right moment to allow Reach to perform recognition (which can take as long as the time it took a human to say the words)
Clone the DeepSpeech examples (this step have been completed)
Change to the directory and install the dependencies
cd ~/DeepSpeech-examples/mic_vad_streaming
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
sudo apt install portaudio19-dev
Need On-site team to test the Real-time Speech Recognition (please reference the steps below or follow the original tutorial -
Connect the microphone to the Reachy RPi4 - any microphone can be used but the quality of the microphone and/or the background noise can have impact on the speech recognition (Consideration: Speech Recognition model we are using was likely trained using a clear voice input from a quiet location. Our robot may be located in the environment where it may be noisy and/or users are wearing a COVID face mask)
For our testing of the system, please use the command below to leverage sample file we installed above. Our result should look like the Youtube vide below - Good Luck!