Circuit Launch is now providing safety classes online for convenience!
Our safety and basic use classes are available online in an easy format of a video and quiz to be completed before using any of our equipment that requires them. Some equipment will require an in person paid checkout that needs to be scheduled with one of our staff before use. All of our tools and equipment are labeled with the following labels:
Open Use: All members are welcome to use. You are responsible for understanding how to safely operate this before using. If you have questions about safe operation please ask our staff before use.
Certified Use: Members must complete the One Take Safety video and score 80% or higher on the quiz before operating.
Lvl 2 Certified Use: Members must complete the One Take Safety video and quiz AND pass a paid in-person test before operating.
Restricted Use: This equipment is not available for general use. If you are interested in using this equipment please contact our staff.
Our safety videos are quirky and made in one take to ensure they are easily updated, current, and machine specific. If information is wrong or missing please let us know so we can update them.