Getting a good first layer is the secret to successful prints. Any issues on the first layer will compound across the subsequent layers and cause print defects and failures.
<aside> ⚠️ With the installation of a new more efficient Beacon Z Probe these issues are not as dramatic, however this is still a good intro to adjusting the Z-offset which is still relevant.
You can’t respond to issues if it is printing fast. It is worth it to take 30min or more of your time and babysit the first and second layers if you want to walk away and let it print a large bed print for 20+ hours or more.
Go into the dashboard and turn your speed factor down to 10-20%
Use the negative Z-Offset buttons (usually the -0.01) to bring the head closer to the bed
Use the positive Z-Offset buttons (usually the +0.01) to move the head farther from the bed
Small changes in the bed surface can cause defects. Just because the Z-Offset is good in one area does not mean it will work in another, despite the adaptive bed mesh probing that
This is what it looks like when too close or too far: