What is the role of the SBC like Raspberry Pi vs. MCU like Luos, STM32, and Arduino
- Single Board Computer (SBC) are a miniature computers. It is good at processing large data and complex procedures/programs. I normally think of their role as a human brain which is responsible for decision making in a robot. Due to the small foot print, Nvidia Jetson Nano or Raspberry Pi 3/4 are commonly used in robotics - Reachy uses RPi4.
- MicroController Unit (MCU) are usually a small electronics circuit boards embedded devices. It does not have a complex Operating Systems (OS) like the SBC, but it does have small set of instructions that continuously runs (loops) a moment it is powered on. Due to its simple architecture and speed, it is commonly used in operating different sensors and motors systems. I normally think of their roles as the human nerves system that is in charge of running your organs like the heart or kidney which operates without you constantly thinking about it. Also the human's quick reflex of moving our muscle is similar to the MCU's driving robots motors. Usually multiple MCUs are deployed in a robot.