- Coral offers a platform of hardware components (Tensor Processing Unit: TPU), software tools, and pre-compiled models for building devices with local AI.
- Coral USB Accelerator is a USB device . It provides an Edge TPU as a coprocessor for your computer.
- How is it powered?
- C USB A is powered by 5 V from the USB interface. It is powered through on-board power management chip (PMIC).
- How to set up C USB A?
- On the computer where you'll connect the USB Accelerator
(Ref: https://pollen-robotics.github.io/reachy-docs/docs/appendices/install-from-scratch-raspberry/)
Instructions Stepwise:
- Download the Edge TPU runtime
- Commands: (for unpacking & installing Edge TPU runtime)
- Decisions:
- Do not enable the maximum operating frequency if you’re unsure of the performance needed for your application. Heat issues are cons.
- Connect the USB Accelerator to the computer with the USB 3.0 cable
- Download the TensorFlow Lite library :
- You are set up to run TensorFlow Lite models.
- (For further details, scroll to the bottom here: https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/guide/python)
- Perform image classification with our example code and model