Control Reachy with Python API (using a Unity Based Simulated Robot)
- OPTION 0: run simulation / interaction with Python only (no Jupyter notebook) :
- OPTION 1 : run simulation / interaction with Python only (no Jupyter notebook) :
- OPTION 2 : run simulation / interaction with Jupyter notebook :
Differences from the Real Robot World, Complexities, How can we improve Reachy?
- Simulation vs Real World Robot Manipulation: Differences
- What's currently missing
- Complexities in Reachy
- Reachy, a 3D-Printed Human-Like Robotic Arm as a Testbed for Human-Robot Control Strategies
- Raspberry Pi 4 based robot targets manipulation and service tasks
- Application of V-REP Simulator: Development of a Khepera IV Library for the V-REP Simulator
- Pypot