AUTHOR: Logan Duong

Your show and tell can be about anything you accomplished other than research. This is about an action realized.

<aside> ❓ Tutorial: Clearly explain the necessary information and actions to arrive at an outcome



Initial Goal: Soldering wires together

Realized Outcome:

Steps to achieve outcome


Last week I showed a basic tutorial on soldering components to a PCB. This will be a tutorial on how to solder other connections.

Soldering Wires

There are several different ways to solder wires together. One of the easiest ways to do so is to use soldering crimps

  1. Place the sleeve over one of the two wires you want to solder together
  2. Twist the strands of both wires so that they form a connection
  3. Slide the sleeve over the two wires so that the solder in the middle is covering the exposed wire
  4. Use a heatgun or a soldering iron to slowly heat the tubing. Start from the outer ends to grab the insulation, then slowly move giving evenly distributed heat to the entire tube and go around the diameter. Once the tube is firmly in place, hold your heat source over the solder point in the middle and you should start to see the solder wick into the exposed wire.
  5. You're done!