AUTHOR: Cynthia


Initial Goal: reSpeaker setup tutorial

Realized Outcome: Partial — was installed in setup but needs actual stimuli

(Note: Best to have camera directed at speaker for testing)

Steps to Outcome

  1. Make sure for Linux system to install necessary drivers for speaker

  2. Add DOA script

  3. Exit and save file

  4. Run DOA script with 'sudo python'

  5. Best with live simulation

Remaining Steps

  1. Requires live stimuli
  2. Discuss how the array is mounted
  3. Get ODAS running to visualize localization
  4. Sourced possible packages and algorithms for more accurate direction of arrival. One possible package will require some testing around what type of sound would constitute an arrival or departure

Key Learning

Had one failed implementation because of old documentation from the manufacturer. So learned that tutorials should be those referenced on manufacture website
